Sunday 15 February 2009

Robbie - Sire of Champions!

Just had the best morning at the Masterton A&P. The weather was on our side and the sun shone brightly for our classes. Meg was an absolute super star and I could not be happier with my sensitive little girl's behaviour.

We had a last minute near disaster when I took her float boots off after we arrived only to find that the BLACK dye in them had leaked all over her lovely white stockings!!! All those weeks of painstakingly preparing her only to be foiled by the very things that were put on to try and keep the darned things clean! Fortunately Dazzle Dog came to the rescue and I managed to scrub it all off but it set us back a bit time wise. I had offered to turn out Kim's mare as well as Meg so was rushing around like a bat out of hell between the two of them primping and preening like a thing possessed. We squeaked in on time by a whisker helped by the fact that our judge was a little late (last minute things like picking out of hooves was thus attended to in 'over time').

Meg thought the showgrounds and other horses were out of this world but never let the atmosphere get to her and stood perfectly for her plaiting. I was worried she would fidget when we were putting the sprigs in but no, stood like a rock and soaked it all in. She even trotted out nicely in the filly class which was the one thing I was a bit worried about. The judge commented very favourably on her trot too.

After our classes were finsished we took her on her very own grand parade around the show grounds and she LOVED it. She marched out with her ears pricked taking it all in. She drew lots of admiring comments too, which was nice. We're not surprised of course because we think she looks rather gorgeous. She'll be even better in a few years time when she is a mature horse.


Best presented - 1st place
Filly 2yo and under - 1st place
Best walking - 1st place
Best footed - 2nd place (stupid sand crack!)

CHAMPION Registered Clydesdale - Rosemarkie Silver Tray and WJB Potts Trophy for overall points.

and RESERVE CHAMPION went to little Amos who behaved himself most admirably for such a baby. So, well done Robbie - you are now a sire of Champions!

Meg with her pretty purple sash and my matching hat, haha! Meg and her proud Dad Check out that tail!Bein' judged
Best walking clydesdale

Before the turnout
A neckful of pretty ribbons


  1. Wow Lou she looks fab! Well done!

  2. wahoo
    What a great day you had. Well done Meg
