Can I just say how proud I am of my baby horse. He's just so mellow and calm and sweet tempered. I adore him even more today than I think I ever have.
A new blog
2 weeks ago
Sport Horses and Ponies
Can I just say how proud I am of my baby horse. He's just so mellow and calm and sweet tempered. I adore him even more today than I think I ever have.
The only pic Nick took of me riding!!!
My baby is home!! I walked, trotted and even cantered him at Gavin's so am grinning from ear to ear! Such a good boy and so, so quiet! Can't wait to ride him again tomorrow. Nick only took a couple of photos of me, probably just as well as I am still far too heavy to really be riding him. But, will keep plugging away at the weight loss and hopefully be much more the right size in a few months time.