Monday 6 June 2011

Team Brennan's second lesson with Becky

Brennan really had his brain in gear today and was a super pony. I am not sure who was happier with him; Me, Karen or Becky!

Finished his clipping after lunch so he is now sporting a very clean cut of total nakedness except for his legs and head - the racing stripes just weren't working for Karen and he was still getting very hot so it made sense to just whip it all off. We got up behind the ears today too, just took a little persuasion and he worked out it was not going to chop his ears off and let Karen go for it.

He has picked up his stretching lesson really quickly and I am so pleased to see he is actually now willing to stretch down at walk and trot - A HUGE improvement. His trainability is really starting to show. He's going to be a super breed ambassador and I just get more and more excited about this journey we are taking with every step we take.

Fluffy face
This canter rocks!
Going places baby!
Looking very smart
Zoom zoom

More stretch

More goin' places

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